
Southern Fried Chicken Recipe

  • 1 broiler/fryer chicken , cut into pieces
  • Oil for frying
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Liquid flavorings
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • Seasonings (herbs and spices)

Cut chicken into pieces. Wash chicken thoroughly, let drain until needed.

Start heating your oil while you go through other steps. If you are using a deep fryer, fill it according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you cook chicken on your stove top is a deep pot and 1 / 3 full with oil fill. Medium high (10 on a scale of 6) Turn the burner and about 350 degrees F. Heat the oil

In a bowl mix egg and water. If you are the liquid flavorings (hot sauce, Worcestershire, soy sauce, etc.) are going to use, add it now. Whip the mixture with a fork until well combined, it is your egg wash.

Other desired (garlic powder, sage, onion powder, etc.) seasonings for your own "secret blend" to add along with salt and pepper to flour, stir to combine. Or, plain flour works just fine.

Egg wash and dredge in flour, dip the chicken pieces. If you want a thicker layer of chicken, first dip the pieces in flour, then egg and then flour (this, of course, will need more flour) wash.

Place chicken pieces in hot oil. And crisp and golden, about 15 to 20 minutes covered fry. Sprinkle the pieces lightly with salt and drain on paper towels.

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