
Jebon Samosa (Cheese Samosa) Recipe

  • 1 packet (500gram) of ready made samosa leaves

  • 3 round boxes of cream cheese wedges

  • Some water for sealing

  1. Cut cheese wedges into half lengthwise (so you get a thinner wedge).

  2. Take a samosa leaf carefully so as not to rip it.

  3. Put a halved-wedge at one end at a 45degree angle, fold into a triangle.

  4. Keep on folding the triangle until you reach the end of the leaf.

  5. Seal the final end by rubbing some water onto the leaf.

  6. Heat some oil for deep frying.

  7. Deep fry the samosas until golden, drain on a paper towel.

  8. Let cool slightly before serving to avoid burns from hot cheese.

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