
Delicious Vanilla Slice Recipes


First heat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. The next release of the pie to be 1 cm thick, making sure that the area of ​​flour to prevent sticking. Now cut the cake into eight separate rectangular pieces that are ten by two inches. Bake for 20 minutes and let the dough to raise


now when cold, divide the dough in half the crossroads.

Fill the dough with the cream and sandwich it in. If you want to make your own cream then you can do through the above ingredients - otherwise you can only buy and fill in this way. Now open the glace icing on top of both sectors. Again you can do yourself with the above advice, or you can buy ready-made depending on the amount you want to impress your guests. Make sure to flatten a piece of fish or anything else. If you want to add to your presentation then there are several ways you can do so through other colors of icing and making stripes or spirals and this will add to the "wow" factor. And that is how to make a piece of vanilla - is surprisingly easy, especially if you use bought custard and ice formation.
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