
Artichoke's Doughnuts - Event

Light as FLOUR

Healthy as an ARTICHOKE

Tasty as SALT

Shinny as an EGG

Rich as MILK

Special dressing: Righteous Brothers. Awwwwww I love this song so much!!!!♥♥♥

Mix these ingredients and you will get fantastic Artichocke's Doughnuts. This is my entry for Jugalbandi's Click Event. I deeply admire their posts' pictures and the design of the blog. Plus, Bee and Jai are great people, please take a look at Click Event, picture entries are beautiful!!!

This month the main character is FLOUR.

The picture I chose to present this doughnuts is the first one showing... that's my daughter blowing some flour in our terrace... you should have seen us after the experiment... two laughing ghosts!!! :D

*Ingredients for 4 servings: 6 -8 artichokes, 140 grs of flour, 1 baking powder teaspoon, 1 salt teaspoon, 1 whipped egg, 150 ml of milk, olive oil and parsley.

•Prepare the dough, have the flour first into a bowl, the baking powder and the salt. Mix it all well. Add the whipped egg and the milk. Stir until you get the texture you see in the picture. Clean your artichokes.

•Rub a lemon on them to avoid they become black. Place in the bowl.

•Heat some olive oil (3 cms aprox). It shouldn’t be too hot cause they would get burned and not too low. Aprox. 180-190ÂșC.
•Throw the artichokes doughnuts into the olive oil and let brown. When done, place over kitchen paper so they leave all oil there.

•Sprinkle with some minced parsley on top. Eat warm.
•I bet you can not eat only one!!!!!

I JUST NOTICED SOMETHING!!! SORRY!!! There's two steps missing in the recipe... I hate when these things happen!!! First: the artichockes should be previously boiled in salty water for 30 minutes, drained, dried and just then fried. Second: Once we have all ingredients in the bowl to make the dough, let if rest for 1 hour. I hope I didn't give you time to cook them :D yet!

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