
Tomorrow is Today: I'm on Diet!!!

Hi all!

You have probably noticed a little badge on my blog's right column with a path towards the treasure... it's my new World Wide Weight Foodie Crusade!!!

Beach time, swimming pool time or just summer time is getting nearer (for us in the northern hemisphere) and last summer's clothes might be a bit tight on us ;-). Winter time is when we accumulate more fat. Cold days demand greasier and heavier dishes: stews, strong broths, red meat with succulent sauces and bacon, tones of bacon! I'm right at this point now... I believe I could loose 5 or 6 kilos before the real heat reaches us; I did it last year and it worked.

I will follow a 2000 calories per day menu until June (if I'm strong enough...). The ticker, which I first saw at Dharm's blog (thanks for the idea Dharm :)), will help me to see how much I loose, I will update it every Monday. You are all welcome to join me in this Weight Foodie Crusade... the more, the merrier :D!!! Just follow the ticker link and get your own!

This is how this will work: Every Monday I will post the week menu. It will be an open one, with the measures of the ingredients for the week's lunches and dinners; you will be able to design your own meals, I will only give you a few ideas and post during the week about some diet recipes. This doesn't mean they will be boring meals... no way! I will keep on posting sauces and grease meals too! he, he... the rest of my family doesn't want to hear about diets!!!

The diet is based on the one published by the Nutrition and Endocrine department of the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona. I'm no doctor and have no studies on nutrition nor endocrinology... just wanted to let you know. I'm saying "is based" because I will make some amendments: weekends are Free-diet! Alcohol will be permitted and also sugar and cola, cookies and sweets, and also bacon, we can get a bit wild during Saturday and Sunday :D

If I see a good reaction and there's many of you who want to participate in the Weight Foodie Crusade, then I might have a round up by the end of June with your updated lost weight tickers and your favourite diet recipe. I'm also thinking about having a prize sent to the winner (most voted recipe). So, if you are interested, please let me know via comment or email.

This is a Mediterranean Potato salad so that we start getting in the mood for a healthy summer diet:

Ingredients: 350 grs of potatoes, 50 grs. garbanzos, 200 grs. tomato, 40 grs. black olives, some parsley, 2 spoon tables of olive oil (only lunch, if the salad is at dinner time only one) some drops of wine vinegar and salt. This would be the measures proportion for this salad when following the diet. Doesn't it look tempting? Maybe being on a diet is not that bad... it's a question of eating variate food only :D
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