
Chicken Jerez-Style

The secret of this dish is in the wine, Jerez, we use to simmer the chicken. It's a typical wine from Andalusia (south of Spain region). There's different kinds of Jerez: fino, amontillado, manzanilla and oloroso. In this case, I used dry oloroso which has a dark colour and a strong smell of walnut. It's a wine with 18 to 20ยบ of alcohol. If you make up your mind and cook your chicken this way, you will get a row of neighbours in your front door asking for a small taste... the aroma that will come from your kitchen is bewitching!!!

These are the ingredients you need to succeed in your neighbourhood!!! :D

For 4 servings: 1 chicken (or the equivalent in chicken legs or breasts), 4 garlic cloves, 2 medium red onions, 200 grs of carrots, 1/2 liter of Jerez, 400 grs. of mushrooms, 9 table spoons of olive oil, salt and black pepper.

* Clean and wash the chicken. Dry it and cut in pieces. Sprinkle the salt and black ground pepper on top. Mince the garlics and rub them over the chicken.
* Pour the olive oil in a casserole and turn the heat high. Roast the chicken in the olive oil. Be careful it's not too high or the garlic will get burned. Once brown, add the sliced onions and turn the heat to medium/low.
* Peel the carrots and cut in thin slices, add to the casserole and stir for 3 to 4 minutes. When the onion gets transparent, pour the Jerez. Stir and let cook for 8 minutes, after that time, cover the casserole and simmer in low heat for 45 minutes or until the chicken softens.
* Clean the mushrooms and add to the casserole 5 minutes before the chicken is done.
* Taste and add more salt if you consider it necessary.

Jerez de la Frontera (Andalusia's city) is where the wine is born, as well as the Flamencology: the study, investigation, and conservation of Flamenco a typical signing and dancing from this part of Spain. Nowadays it's spread all over the country and it has gone even further... Japanesse people seem to like it a lot among other cultures.

Today the special dressing is , Antonio Carmona a singer that played Fusion Flamenco some years ago and now he signs alone... Vengo Venenoso is one of his lasts hits... Turn player on and tell me if you like it!!!

Enjoy the dish and the song!!!
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