I have been having a microwave for over a decade. But all I had ever used was, for reheating. So this was a big challenge for me. And it wouldn't have got this far, if not for some loyal bloggers, who take up this challenge with joy, more than me. Every time I think of my own entry, I start sweating. Only to realize I never needed too, for all the dishes I have ever prepared in Microwave for my events, were so simple and saved time.So I take this opportunity to thank my regular participants, who never miss out a chance to send me an entry and make my day.
Also, I was glad that I could come up with a new logo for this event, finally!. So please use the new logo going forward.
Before we see the entries and the next theme, here is a recap of all the themes.
August 2007 - Microwave Sweets
September 2007 - Microwave Basics
October 2007 - Microwave Snacks
November 2007 - Microwave Side Dish
December 2007 - Microwave Gravies
January 2008 - Microwave Tiffins
February 2008 - Microwave GreensDecember 2007 - Microwave Gravies
January 2008 - Microwave Tiffins
March 2008 - Microwave Rice
April 2008 - Microwave Cakes
May 2008 - Microwave Steamed Dishes
June 2008 - Microwave Preserves
Coming to this month's theme, to mark this special edition, lets have a party! A Potluck party. You are welcome to bring in whatever you like and we can all have one big virtual party. So all of August, plan whatever you want to cook in Microwave! You may use food processor to blend or do other things, but cooking has to be done in Microwave! Send in as many ever you want, by 31st August, 2008, with Subject line MEC: Potluck Party! Check out the Microwave Cooking Event Announcement for more details.
Lets proceed with the entries.
First few valuable tips on cooking in a microwave from Satya. I seriously think that lady should start a blog of her own, I know I have so much to learn from her.
Her advise is as followes,
Food cooked in the square dishes dries out at the edges and so round dishes are more appropriate for cooking in MW.
While reheating, if a small bowl or glass filled with water is placed alongside, the moisture in the food can be retained.
Normal idli batter didn't give me satisfying results in MW.A few spoons of water and half a tsp of oil added to it made the idlies softer.Or adding a little eno fruit salt gave excellent and foolproof results.
Once upon a place, there lives a ever sweet Cham, who makes every great effort to please one and all. In the effect emerges a new recipe called Rice Noodle Soup.

Suma loves soups and that made her always get the ready made pack to get her quick dose of soup love. But once she made a Spinach Soup, there was no looking back!

When she was young, she always only asked for Sweet corn soup.

I asked for one, I got two extra. All these comes from the Queen, Yeah Illathrasi.

Sireesha makes Sweet Corn Soup and also gives us a detail account of what's gone in and their nutrients. Well with so much value added ingredients, it makes it more attractive to reach out for a bowl of Sweet Corn Soup!

Though Palak is always gets beautified as a gravy at Jayasree's kitchen, this time it takes form of a soup.

And no doubts, this was also welcomed with both arms! Why not, it looks so deliciously green!
From a beautiful blog called DEGCHI, comes a soup, yes another sweet corn Veg soup.

Take a few minutes to wonder at the beauty of this tempting soup. The Foody Guru vouches for its amazing taste.

Lathamma makes one of her first recipe that she learnt. And that from a pro. Cooking in Microwave is like eating sugar for Lathamma, as she does everything in microwave.

Finally from me, another Kerala stew! This is my favorite dish for Appam.

I am sure I haven't missed out any entry, but do let me know if its so. Thank you everybody for your wonderful entries and expecting a gala potluck party this month!
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