Preparing a Pickle or Escabeche (that's how we call it here) it's one of the easiest things to do and you can use the sardines in a pickle in so many different ways afterwards. For example: In a sandwich or bocadillo (bocata is the popular word); to do some Montaditos (see picture hereunder) with layers of different ingredients; as part of a salad with pasta, sardine, lettuce, blah.

There's many different ways to perform a pickle, feel free to add other ingredients.
Ingredients for 4 servings: 16 fresh sardines, oil to fry them, flour and salt. 6 garlic cloves, 200 ml. of white wine vinegar, 100 ml of water, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 tablespoon of sweet red paprika, 1 thyme branch.
- Clean the sardines under tap water taking their head and guts away. Let them dry a bit.
- Heat some olive oil in a sauce pan.
- Coat the sardines in flour and fry when the oil is hot. When done place over kitchen paper to leave there the excess of oil. Place the sardines in a glass recipient.
- Don't take the skin off the garlics, just smash them with a plain knife and fry in the same sauce pan with the same oil, add the bay leaf, the pepper and the thyme branch.
- When the garlic starts to get some colour, take the sauce pan out of the heat and add the paprika. Stir so that it doesn't burn. Add also the vinegar and the water (careful it can splash you). Stir and put back over the heat. When it starts boiling pour it over the sardines we had in the glass recipient. Make sure the pickle covers them.
- Let it cool down and when cold place in the fridge.
- They can stay there for days :D

Now to the Award! Always smiling Judy from No Fear Entertaining sent me over this cute award: Thanks so much Judy, I love your blog t♥♥!!!

The rules are as follow:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you (as shown above).
3) Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.So the ones that I am choosing are the ones that I read all of the time and have actually become "friends" with most of them.
And the blogs I Do Love are:
1) Ivy from Kopiaste: A wonderful cook and friend living in a wonderful country: Greece :D
2) Laurie from Mediterranean Cooking in Alaska: A cook poet in Alaska.
3) Janet from GourmetTraveller: Magnific Chineese food cooked in Switzerland.
4) Susan from Sticky, Gooey, Creamy and Chewy: this is my gift to you, Susan :D
5) Nathan from La Cocina de Nathan: Latin cooking in North America. Adelante Chico!
6) Ts and Js from Eating Club Vancouver: Fantastic food and pictures ready to be devoured!
7) Antonio from Olive Juice: Recently discovered and still drooling with his pictures and recipes!
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