
CrockPot Pie Recipe

Day 288.

I've wanted to make a fruit pie in the crockpot for a while. I bought a GF pie crust mix from Whole Foods and had every intention in the world of making it.

But then yesterday happened. The kids did not start off well. There was arguing and attitude in the morning, tears on drop-off, and stomping on the way home from school.

It was not pretty.

There was no way no how I could get to the store, and it was already 3 o'clock. I had actually planned on making potato-leek soup, but didn't have potatoes. Or leeks.

So I made pie. I didn't use the mix because it seemed like too much work. I threw this together in exactly 6 1/2 minutes, cleaned the kitchen, then we spent the rest of the day outside playing soccer, turning somersaults, and being goof balls.

After dinner we went for a long walk to look at the full moon (which I've decided has a lot to do with the 'tude) and came home to eat pie in our pajamas.

It was a good day.

The Ingredients.

--2 cans sliced peaches with the juice (15 oz cans)
--1 1/2 cups Bisquick-type mix (I used Pamela's)
--1/2 cup brown sugar
--2 T melted butter
--1 t vanilla
--1/2 tsp cinnamon
--1/4 tsp nutmeg
--1/4 tsp allspice

The Directions.

I used a 4-quart crockpot.

Dump the canned peaches into the bottom of the crock.

In a separate bowl, melt the butter, then add the dry ingredients and vanilla.

Stir with a fork to combine. The topping will be crumbly. I didn't even attempt to work it with my hands to create a smooth crust. I do think it would work, though, if you added some more butter.

Pour mixture on top of peaches, and press down with your hands (I didn't do this, because I didn't want to get gooky, but I probably should have).

Cover and cook on high for 4 hours. The pie is done when it has begun to brown on the edges and the fruit is bubbly and looks like the juice has caramelized a bit.

The Verdict.

This did the trick. Even though the top looks awfully crumby, the topping ended up being baked and bit chewy like a traditional pie crust. If I had taken the time to form the dough a bit and pressed it down, it would have been better.

I believe this simple dough can be used with any variety of fruit---canned or fresh---and with canned pie filling. We just happened to have a case of canned peaches in the garage.
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