
My Natural Skin Care Regimen

Radiant, Nourished, and Toned!!
My never-ending quest to get perfect skin

I think that after almost 30 years I finally understand my skin. This year we've developed an understanding and I FINALLY "get it". I get her! She hates store bought skin products.  Why couldn't the bitch just tell me that from the beginning! It could have save me sooo much money and embarrassing break outs!

Anyway, I had a love/hate relationship with my skin for a long time. Sometimes she behaved and sometimes no matter what products I tried that girl just did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.  Since the start of this year I have been trying natural skin care products, just trying to find something that give me lasting results (longer  than 2 weeks which is what store-brought items tend to do!)

I must say that I am LOVING all natural skin care and don't have any plans of changing up the game plan anytime soon! I'm completely hooked! My skin has never glowed this much. EVER! Even after I swore off fried foods and drank tons of water.

Having balanced skin makes you look healthy, happy, and refreshed. I'm so happy to finally have something that works! I now have control of my skin instead of it being the other way around! .....Whoa that was such a commercial line LOL

 So here is my current skin care regimen: (all of these products can be found in good ol' Walmart. Although you will probably have to go to a health food store to get the cocoa butter soap)

Cleanser- Cocoa Butter Soap with tea tree and olive oil. 
Exfoliate- Coffee Scrub
Moisturize- Olive oil and aloe vera. Aura Glow body oil (when I have it)
Tone- Green tea wash or Apple cider vinegar
Anti-Aging- Castor Oil
Dark Circles and Bags - Potato juice

I love trying natural skin care remedies so if you have a favorite, let me know!!!
I'm Currently  Searching For:

  1.  A good skin-tightening mask
  2. A good black-head peel
  3. A good skin brightening spray

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